Where is my 2G? - MC

Brian Astill bastill at adam.com.au
Fri Apr 13 13:32:32 UTC 2007

On Friday 13 April 2007 20:47, Mark Newton wrote:
> Brian, filling a filesystem doesn't harm it.

Oh Dear, Mark - but it DID!
I could not see the contents of /mnt/hdb2 when unmounted.  OK?
I was only able to see the contents of /mnt/hdb2 when unmounted. 
AFTER I had entered recovery mode and exited with "shutdown -rF 
now" and then later returned to recovery mode.
That's the truth. 

If the truth doesn't happen to coincide with what you "know" 
could/should/would happen - well that's sad.

Look, I got myself into trouble.  A lot of people tried to help.
With that help and advice the problem is solved.  It's over.

The last thing we need now is someone to tell us we were all 
wasting our time because it didn't happen.

BTW, please don't imply I wasn't reporting truthfully.  


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