Where is my 2G? - MC

Matthew Kuiken matt.kuiken at verizon.net
Thu Apr 12 07:22:21 UTC 2007

Patton Echols wrote:
> Interesting, Scott.  For those of us clueless . . . If he mistakenly 
> tells mc to send to an unmounted partition, what is the design 
> behavior?  I didn't seem to pick that up from the thread.  I am new to 
> linux and trying to figure out some of the design logic that has not yet 
> become "intuitive" to me.  Thanks for thoughts.


Please see my response in another of Brian's emails on this subject.  I 
am working on being clear in my technical writing, and so I hope that I 
have presented the issues well enough that someone new to the subject 
can understand.  Please give me any feedback you have on issues or 
concepts you think are unclear in that reply.


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