archive mail - evo

John Dangler jdangler at
Wed Apr 11 18:00:56 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 18:13 +0100, Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
> John Dangler wrote:
> > Is there a way to archive old mail in evolution?  I'd like to create a
> > mailbox with old mail messages and store them, but I don't want them in
> > the current mbox...
> > 
> > thanks for any input...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Hi, I'm not sure if there is something specific you can press in 
> Evolution, but the emails are all stored in single files. One file for 
> Inbox, one file for Drafts, etc. You could just make a copy of the 
> appropriate files.
> The path is:
> ~/.evolution/mail/local
ok - so if i have a folder labeled 'my_stuff', and I make another folder
called - '2006_my_stuff' , and then copy all of the messages from
my_stuff into it, I would have to move it out of .evo so it wouldn't
show up on the active list any more.  But I haven't found anywhere that
says that evo can open another mailbox dir anywhere else.  Do you know
if evo is capable of this? (similar to M$ archive/multiple mailbox

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