ulog: how to read?

Luca Ferrari fluca1978 at infinito.it
Tue Apr 10 07:33:14 UTC 2007

Hi all,
I've got an ubuntu machine that is running as firewall with iptables and ulog, 
but I'm not able to read the information stored in the database.
For instance:
ulog=# select ip_saddr, ip_daddr from ulog limit 10;
  ip_saddr  |  ip_daddr
 2130706433 | 2130706433
 2130706433 | 2130706433
 2130706433 | 2130706433
 1427304323 | 1427304325
 2130706433 | 2130706433
 2130706433 | 2130706433
 2130706433 | 2130706433
 2130706433 | 2130706433
 2130706433 | 2130706433
 1427304323 | 1427304325
(10 rows)

how should I cast such address to be displayied as IPs? Anyone can point me to 
a tutorial or a documentation that explains how to read the ulog information?


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