
John Richard Moser nigelenki at comcast.net
Mon Apr 9 18:55:47 UTC 2007

I've been interested in Xen on the desktop for a while but I'm not sure
how anyone else feels about it.  Ubuntu has made some headway with
virtualization in Feisty, for the server; or at least so claims the Beta
page.  Still, I'm interested in desktop applications.

I guess for 'normal' desktop use there's no real advantage; although I'm
more into security analysis, development, and quality assurance testing,
so I'd find lots of uses for having 5 virtual machines on my desktop.
Also for those "Home Server" users (those of us who have a Web server
behind us), it gives a quick and dirty way to add a server to the

Really the applications for easy virtualization are pretty narrow on the
home desktop.  At best, you can snapshot your current configuration (by
some magic) and slide it over into a virtual machine; then upgrade that
to the next version of Ubuntu and see if it breaks things.  In corporate
settings this would be awesome.

I'm curious what everyone else thinks.

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