Gnome graphics

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Thu Apr 5 18:38:20 UTC 2007

to, 2007-04-05 kello 18:29 +0100, Gabriel Dragffy kirjoitti:
> I've always wondered...
> I like gnome, I think it is smooth and clean (depending on the theme, 
> natch) but the corners of applications look jagged. How come?
> Even went so far as attaching a couple of screenshots of the offending 
> subject :)

I've noticed this too and thought that it's because of some limitation
of the window manager, or something. It sticks to eye though and it
would be nice if someone could smooth out the corners here (pun

This propably also tells about how Gnome is so visually refined
nowadays, that this kind of relatively small detail catches ones eye so
easily :-)



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