Amarok crash playing mp3 through samba

alvonsius albert alvonsius.albert at
Thu Sep 28 19:42:57 UTC 2006

Hi there, why does everytime I want to play a song located on other computer 
(accesing via smb://) amarok will always crash? I have to mount the samba 
directory to my local drive to get the music played. Is this a xine specific 
problems? Or there are something I should set somewhere on the config file?  
I'm using Dapper with Amarok 1.4.3, KDE 3.5.3, Xine Engine ...

PS: Why I use xine instead of gstreamer? Coz I couldn't make gstreamer engine 
showed up on my list of driver tough I have installed gstreamer 0.8 and 0.10 
altogether with amarok-engines. If someone know how to add gstreamer and it 
could help this problem, I will accept using gstreamer then :D
Alvonsius Albert N
Programmer/Web Developer
PT Gamatechno Indonesia

"Do whatever you like, but remember to take care all the responsibilities" 

Currently Blog at

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