VGA Drivers for SiS

Sameera Shaakunthala shaakunthala at
Mon Sep 25 04:07:07 UTC 2006


When I play a video file in the full screen mode, the video is viewed 
like a slide show (flickering). But there's no any problems with audio 
This seems like the player steps into video frames.

This problem began to occur when I replaced my MotherBoard. I do not use 
a VGA card because it has an on-board VGA.
So I believe this is because Ubuntu does not detect nor have any 
relevant drivers for my new VGA card.

Please anyone tell me whether my guess is right or wrong and how to get 
drivers for my video adapter.

Video Adapter : SiS VGA
Video Memory : 16MB (Shared) (RAM is 240MB = 256MB - 16MB)

* Shaakunthala.

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