CGI Perl

Emil Edeholt emil at
Sun Sep 24 11:40:32 UTC 2006


Thanks for the tips. I still can't get it to run. The error logs say 
that cgi ain't allowed in that directory.

I've added this to the apache2.conf:
      <Directory /home/www/html>
              AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Options
              Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec

But it doesn't seem to help. I've also tried to Options +ExecCGI or 
Options ExecCGI in a .htaccess file but the error logs say Options not 
allowed here (I thought AllowOverride Options would make that possible?)

I've of course restarted apache when I've made changes in the .conf.

I also tried to add the content-type version, but that doesn't make any 
difference. And i'm running this from a normal directory.

Any ideas? Gaah I didn't thought it would be so hard to get cgi up and 
running, I must be missing something obvious?

Regards Emil

S. William Schulz wrote:
> A couple of things come to mind:
> First, though probably not the issue, is that when writing CGI scripts 
> from Perl, you should send a content type first so that the browser 
> knows what to do with the data, i.e. how to display it.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"; # Or text/html, whatever
>                     # Note the two newlines
> print "Test\n";
> Secondly, are you trying to run this from a regular directory on the 
> server?  Or one that is ScriptAliased, e.g. cgi-bin?  What do the 
> error logs from Apache say?

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