grub menu.lst kernel option preservation

Marius Gedminas marius at
Wed Sep 20 16:48:46 UTC 2006

On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 09:59:32AM -0500, Steve Kratz wrote:
> I have a Dapper server running here that has a motherboard that won't
> run stable unless I specify "noapic nolapic" on the kernel line.
> The problem I have is whenever there's a security update for the kernel,
> the menu.lst gets rewritten, and my modifications vanish. The result is
> a server that hangs after it's been up awhile (yes, I know... I should
> remember by now, but it's one of about 15 boxes I watch over).
> Is there a "proper" way for specifying boot options that will live
> through a kernel update?

Find the commented-out # kopt line in /boot/grub/menu.lst and modify it.
Do not uncomment it.

The update-grub script will parse that comment and propagate your
options to each kernel command line.

I have a different problem: I have to specify the GRUB 'uppermem' option
in each kernel section, or my office router won't boot.  And there is no
way to make update-grub preserve these :(

Marius Gedminas
... Another nationwide organization's computer system crashed twice in less
than a year. The cause of each crash was a computer virus....
		-- Paul Mungo, Bryan Glough  _Approaching_Zero_
(in 1986 computer crashes were something out of the ordinary.  Win95 anyone?)
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