Edgy is HOSED (initramfs?)

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Sep 20 16:50:58 UTC 2006

fmccormick at videotron.ca wrote:
> Sorry but it's not hosed here. USPLASH still doesn't work....
> and the double mounted icon problem still exists but other than that it
> seems normal. On the other hand I personaly don't find EDGY all that
> exciting.

Sadly I must confess I kinda feel the same :-/
At best, assuming they fix a few regressions (like the duplicates icons
problem, and also crappy fonts in the web browser and yelp), I will
deem it on par with Dapper. But if these don't get fixed and/or
discover other regressions, I will probably, for the first time,
consider skipping a release and wait for Edgy+1, hoping it will fix
Edgy's regression over Dapper. (I give up on regressions from Breezy to
Dapper and Hoary to Breezy).
To me I feel Edgy is no more or less "Edgy" than all previous releases.
Anyway, I am already looking forward to Edgy+1, hoping it will improve
over Edgy.
I think it's just a "marketing" problem: If it wasn't named "Edgy" and
originally advertised as being "edgy" as well, with lots of enthusiasm
in SABDFL's voice, I am sure I would not be that disappointed now. 

Still, I am hoping they will fix the two regressions mentioned above,
so I can switch to Edgy anyway and enjoy the little improvements here
and there.


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