Python on Ubuntu

Gayal gayal.rupasinghe at
Wed Sep 20 04:36:36 UTC 2006

Right now im a fan of .NET and trying Linux and FOSS APPS  from my child
Next year ill be doing my Final Year project at University.
Since i know many of the programing langs like java,C,C++,.NET i want to try
out Python.
I have no idea what my project abt but it can vary from Auto Pilot to Radars
and Space Launchers to Guided Missiles.
I just want to make sure whether Python can carry all these functionality
unless i realised some are not possible, at the last minute before 2 or 3
days to the project submission.

On 9/20/06, Waqas Toor <waqasnasirtoor at> wrote:
> Hi Gayal,
> Still confused about your idea... can you elaborate what here is that
> you want to create or program ... i mean there are may be a thousands
> of areospace programs
> --
> Waqas
> Linux *is* user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.
> If Windows is the solution, can we please have the problem back?
> (Registered Linux user #424056)
> ref link
> --
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Gayal Rupasinghe
"The willingness to make a commitment even when results are unknown."
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