Modem detection on LapTop

Henk Koster H.A.J.Koster at
Sat Sep 16 18:36:29 UTC 2006

On Sat, 16 Sep 2006 21:08:27 +0530, H.S.Rai wrote:

> wvdialconf fail to detect modem on Compaq Presario V 3018TU lapop,
> which is having 56k modem.
> How to detect it or set it for dialup Internet connection.
> Thanks in advance.

You'll have to give a bit more information on the modem, is it listed 
in the output of the lspci command? Does the output of the lsmod 
command show that there is a driver module loaded for it?

Even then, I would not recommend using wvdial, since the System ->
Administration -> Networking menu is easier to set up the modem 
interface (most likely ppp0).

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