Three Linux Operating Systems in One Computer (Is it possible?)

Anthony Yarusso tonyyarusso at
Sat Sep 16 02:27:02 UTC 2006

Sameera Shaakunthala wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently using both Ubuntu 6.06 and Windows XP on my PC.
> I am planning to install Red Hat Linux and Edubuntu on my computer
> alongside existing Ubuntu and Windows.
> Is it possible thing to do if I got enough disk space?
> Does this lower the performance of my PC?
> Please give some answers.
> * Shaakunthala
> Send instant messages to your online friends
It is absolutely possible.  There are people with many more than that in
fact, and I myself have had multiple Ubuntu installations along side XP
(released and development versions).  You do sacrifice disk space, but
there will be no other effects in system performance whatsoever unless
you try to boot multiple OSs at once with virtualization (not your plan
from what you said).

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