help: lost my fat32 share partition....

Ewan Mac Mahon ewan at
Wed Sep 13 19:55:33 UTC 2006

On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 03:00:16PM -0400, Aroon Pahwa wrote:
> On 9/13/06, Eric Hanchrow <offby1 at> wrote:
> >
> >>>>>> "Aroon" == Aroon Pahwa <viperstyx at> writes:
> >
> >    Aroon> how do i found my fat32 partition (i dont know what it
> >    Aroon> would be referred to as in /dev/hda*)
> >
> >Become root and run "fdisk /dev/hda", then type "p".  That will list

Or do 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda' which will do it in one.

> >your existing partitions.  Your FAT32 partition is likely still where
> >it was, undamaged; just note its name (probably /dev/hda1 or
> >/dev/hda4), and then "mkdir /share", then add an entry in /etc/fstab
> >to mount it.
> >
> oh cool, that sounds pretty easy.  my only question is what is the type of
> fat32 file systems?  

> i dont see an obvious answer in /proc/filesystems or listed in man
> mount.  also, any idea for what to enter under options,
Probably some uid/gid stuff to allow the filesystem to be writable as on
ordinary user; details in the mount man page.

> dump, and pass?  i dont see a description of what these mean in man
> fstab....
Weird - it's the last two paragraphs in mine. Anyway, for a vfat system
you'd just set them both to 0.

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