Wispy on Ubuntu

JimD jimdageek at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 18:16:18 UTC 2006

Jean Gruneberg wrote:
> Hi all
> Recently bought a WiSpy units to help setting up WiFi for clients.  Long 
> and the short is that I used to have to nick the wifes laptop running 
> Windows to use the device.
> Had no luck in setting up kermet on my laptop, then saw that they were 
> porting WiSpy tools to Linux.  Thus far have managed to get wispy_curses 
> running just fine (sort of terminal mode graphics), however I want to 
> get the pretty coloured wispy tools running so I can impress clients!
> So - at last a question- has anyone got wispy_gtk running under Ubuntu 
> Dapper?
> TA
> Jean

I just downloaded wispy from here:

I just needed to install the development pagckages and ran ./configure, 
make install and everything compiled in a few seconds.

I tried to run the program, however I do not wispy unit and the program 
just gave a message that it could not find the device on the USB bus.

Are you having errors compiling?  Or running?

American Democracy: One more candidate than Communism
JimD - Central FL, USA, Earth, Sol

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