Complaint: large attachments (was Re: browser fonts )

Alexander Skwar listen at
Wed Sep 13 05:57:09 UTC 2006

· Peter Garrett <peter.garrett at>:

> On Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:14:05 +1000
> David Satchell <david at> wrote:
>> > Please, *never* do this again. If you have screenshots, put them on a
>> > server and link to them.
>> > 
>> > You have wasted the bandwidth and time of countless dialup users with your
>> > thoughtlessness.
>> > 
>> Thoughtlessness? How about just not realising or not knowing better? I'm
>> not making any assumptions about the original post that started this,
>> nor am I attacking you Peter - but many users who come on here aren't
>> going to know how to upload their screenshots to a server, or know why
>> that is a good idea
> David,
> Yes, fair comment, you're right. I guess it was a bit extreme

Actually, the reaction was not extreme. It was appropriate.

> You're quite right that it would be off-putting for a new user,

This is not a list for new users to mailing lists, but a 
technical support for Ubuntu.

Alexander Skwar
Seelengröße scheint zu besitzen, wer sich selbst Großes zutraut, und
zwar mit Recht.
                -- Aristoteles, 384-322 v. Chr.

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