Ubuntu & Postfix

Tom Smith tom71713-ubuntu at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 12 15:12:27 UTC 2006

Oscar Veloz wrote:

> I have a Dapper server that I did the LAMP setup on, then I installed 
> postfix and mailscanner.  What I'm trying to do is build an SMTP 
> gateway that receives mail, filters out spam and forwards on to my 
> exchange server.  I think postfix is up and running but how can I 
> check to see if it is?  Is there not a walkthrough somewhere of how to 
> test postfix?  Also, how do I see what ports are listening on my 
> Dapper box, and could I telnet into port 25 and test that way?
If you're not sure how to check Postfix's status, then you've probably 
got quite a long ways to go to setup a mail gateway. ;-)

Have you checked http://www.postfix.org? There are a lot really 
informative and helpful how-tos there for things like this.
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