Complaint: large attachments (was Re: browser fonts )

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Mon Sep 11 02:55:12 UTC 2006

On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 10:26:55 +0100
Gabriel M Dragffy <dragffy at> wrote:

> Peter: Just as a counter-measure depending on your client, I think most
> you can configure not to download email messages/attachments over a
> specified size. I know it's not ideal but occasionally there is someone
> who pops on a 10MB log file or something ridiculous.

My point of course was that people simply should not attach big files like
this - as it happens I am now on a fast connection, but I haven't
forgotten how annoying this kind of thing used to be on my previous

Sure, it may be possible to configure so that these mega-files don't
download, but people should not have to do so.


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