Problem installing ubuntu

Jensen, John T j.jensen at
Fri Sep 8 22:42:13 UTC 2006

Sorry, perhaps I didn't make clear.  This is the second CD drive I have
tried in it.  It doesn't really seem to me there is a problem with the
drive.  Both have worked fine for some time both with Windows and
Debian, and they both boot fine from these CDs.  It's the re-mount after
ubuntu mounts the RAMdisk that's the problem.  Everything else seems to
work fine on either drive. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Duncan Lithgow [mailto:dlithgow at] On Behalf Of Duncan
Sent: Friday, 8 September 2006 7:43 p.m.
To: Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions;
j.jensen at
Cc: ubuntu-user at
Subject: Re: Problem installing ubuntu

On Mon, 2006-09-04 at 19:15 +1200, Jensen, John T wrote:
> Tried putting this on the forum but no useful help so far - I have
> waited one day, to be sure.  Still, here goes...
hi there, I'd suggest you try a different CD drive. Can't be hard for
you to borrow one. Then once it's finished put your own drive back in
and see if it reports any problems.

> John Thayer Jensen,
> System Administrator, Digital Services,
> The University of Auckland Business School
It'd be great if Auckland Uni became more OpenSource friendly.

(grad from School of Architecture)
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