Web & Audio Server Advice Sought

Todd Slater dontodd at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 11:03:57 UTC 2006

Hi Ken,

On 9/6/06, Ken McLennan <kenrmcl at mysoul.com.au> wrote:
> G'day there One and All,
>         When it comes to audio servers I know even less than that. According to
> their websites, [A]mpache runs on any webserver and only needs mySQL &
> PHP. Jinzora only needs PHP, although there are a couple of recommended
> assistant apps, while Zina says it needs Apache with a php module.
> Subsonic requires Tomcat so that again wants Apache.

What platforms are your clients running, and what formats are your
audio files in? I highly recommend mt-daapd/firefly media server if
you want to serve mp3's to linux, windows, or mac boxes. If your
collection is ogg|flac|wmv, you can still use firefly with linux
clients, but your choice of media players is limited to Banshee.

Mt-daapd/firefly is an iTunes-like server. Rhythmbox and Banshee can
connect using DAAP protocol, but Rhythmbox can't play the transcoded
oggs and flacs for some reason. I use firefly to stream music
wirelessly to my stereo via the Roku Soundbridge. It's a close second
to sex.




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