[Network] 'mtr' tool : are these results abnormal ??

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Tue Sep 5 16:21:01 UTC 2006

"Eamonn Sullivan" <eamonn.sullivan at gmail.com> wrote:
> I wonder if that's a clue to original issue. Is Monsieur Trouilliez or
> the ISP running some firewall rules restricting ICMP traffic?


Thanks to everybody who responded.

TO answer the question...

Firewall ? No, I just have a stock Dapper, which I think doesn't come with any firewall pre-installed.

ICMP ? Hell, I don't even know what that stand for ! I only surf the web and download my e-mail, nothing fancy...

The only question I can answer, relates to the 5 routers that mtr lists, and who loose all my packets !
Not that I know anything about routers at all, but in their name there is "modulonet", and this happens to be an old (commercial) name of my ISP !
I mean, a year ago my ISP was called "modulonet", then recently they got bought by my current ISP, "numéricable".

So it looks like my slow download rates (whatever the time of day or night) might well be due to my ISP crappy routers that loose half of my data !

Great, now I have this mtr reports I can use as factual evidence to show my ISP that they are responsible for my crappy download rates. They won't be able to hide crappy excuses like they always do.

Thanks everyone ! :-)


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