gij removal

Paul Dwerryhouse paul at
Tue Sep 5 06:45:56 UTC 2006

On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 08:17:53AM +0200, Sylvain Girard wrote:
> It seems that that buggy wannabe java interpreter, gij, has alot of
> depending packages. Is it possible in any way to remove this and make
> all of them depending packages use the interpreter from sun?

I would guess that at least some of the depending packages might break
if not used with gij. Rather than removing it, just build a deb of the
Sun JRE or JDK with make-jpkg (it's in java-package, which is in
multiverse), install that, and then use update-alternatives to make it
the default java interpreter.



Paul Dwerryhouse				| PGP Key ID: 0x6B91B584
Linoleum - Linux Programming Resources:

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