NVIDIA Driver Help

John DeCarlo johndecarlo at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 15:38:38 UTC 2006


NVIDIA just recently released driver version 8774 (v. 8762 available in Ubuntu).

Foolishly, I installed it by hand.  There really isn't much difference
beyond support for the newest Xorg.

So, I reinstalled linux-restricted-modules, nvidia-glx,
nvidia-kernel-common, to try and get back to where I had been.  Didn't
work.  Still had the problem where X would't start - kernel module was
8762 but X module was 8774.

Finally, trying other things I don't remember (maybe a reinstall of
xserver-xorg), I downloaded the 8762 installation from Nvidia.

Now X starts, but there is one remaining problem.  Changing the values
in xorg.conf does not change the resolution on the screen.

I am using TwinView, and the day before I made these changes, I
changed the CRT monitor settings from 1600x1200 to 1024x768, restarted
X, and hooked up an LCD projector.  Everything worked fine.  Yesterday
I tried the same thing and it wouldn't work.  In desperation, I
changed my LCD screen to 1024x768 max, and it still came up in

I think if I can find the right Ubuntu packages to reinstall, I may be OK.

Any suggestions?


John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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