XDMCP with Xephyr?

drew einhorn drew.einhorn at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 21:47:30 UTC 2006

Don't know if this is getting to the list.
Posting again.


Running Dual Head with 1440x900 lcd and over extending a big old
Dell Trinitron crt at 1600x1200.

I've got about a half dozen boxes, and I run:

    gdmflexiserver -n -l

to bring up an Xnest window containing a gdm login for the local box.

Would rather it took me straight to the "Remote Login via XDMCP".

What I really want it to do is put the gdm login in an Xephyr window
instead of an Xnest window.  Then randr will work and I can use
the Screen Resolution gui to tweak my real estate.

Would like be able to drag windows from screen to screen, but
when I try turning Xinerama on the screen resolution/refresh gets
whacked out and I can't see what I'm doing, and randr doesn't

Also I'd like the TitleBar on the window to say Xnest at host instead of
just Xnext, but I'm trying to switch from Xnest to Xephyr anyway so maybe
that will come out in the wash.

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