Evolution & Usenet ( not working )

arndalebilo arndalebilo at gmail.com
Sat Oct 28 01:57:10 UTC 2006

On Fri, 27 Oct 2006 10:33:47 -0400, Richard wrote:

> it would appear, that evolution will not work, trying to use it for
> usenet..
> aka: a newsreader...
> I did in fact setup evolution to read nntp server...however, when I
> click on the folder
> name, and open it, it tells me that its loading....
> thats it... nothing else happens.

You need to subscribe to some groups...

On the menu:
Folder - Subscriptions 
Select your nntp server from the drop-down list

Now wait while it downloads the active list.......


Wait some more while Evolution freezes for a minute or so...


Select the group hierarchy - ie comp


Move the dialog around until you can see the blank message box titled
"Evolution Error"..................................


Muck about..........................................


Give up.

sudo apt-get install pan

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