Want Realplayer in Edgy?

Ulrich Steffens ulrich at barfuss-jerusalem.org
Mon Oct 30 14:31:07 UTC 2006

Am Montag, den 30.10.2006, 13:01 +1300 schrieb Professor Wagstaff:
> Thanks for your help but the terminal stuff didnt work(/home/my
> name/backup/ got error)  . I am not That interested or have the time for
> this(likely to stuff it up). I thought there might be a quick fix seeing
> as it worked out of the box in Dapper.
> Jeff
well, that 'terminal stuff' works pretty well and pretty fast IF you not
blindly copy & paste those instructions.
since i don't know how your system is set up, i just can give you
EXAMPLES. and this example presumed that you create a directory called
'backup' in your home folder. but a much more straight forward approach
is to just delete those two files.

cd /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
sudo rm libtotem-complex-plugin.xpt
sudo rm libtotem-complex-plugin.so

and your realplayer works.

if you want totem back again, just open your package manager and install
totems firefox-plugin again.

and on a sidenote: i am in NO WAY an expert, but i learned that the
commandline is your friend and can do things pretty quickly.

so give it a try and start watching bbc ;)


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