Netgear USB WG111v2 Adapter

Anthony Gardner cyclewood_ltd at
Mon Oct 30 09:12:40 UTC 2006

Hmmmm, to begin with, yes I am aware this is a linux list ;) I've been on it and others a while :D

I hadn't actually seen the rtl8187 before. 

As for the window's drivers, all I read on the net last night was to do with obtaining the netwg111.inf and .sys files and using ndiswrapper.

This morning, I've had better luck and have been able to get more info and have download these files and also, I have the info about rtl8187. A two pronged attack.

There is a lot of conflicting info out there with peeps using the .inf .sys files and those using rtl8187.

So with all of this, I should be able to do sth. Won't be able to try for at least a few weeks though :(


Henk Koster <H.A.J.Koster at> wrote: On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 19:27:25 +0000, Anthony Gardner wrote:

> I'm trying to install Netgear USB WG111v2 Adapter but I can't find the Window drivers!!
>   The CD's supplied with the router etc. are supplied by the provider '@Home' (this is in Holland don;t know of they're international) and there aren't any drivers to be seen.
>   I've even tried to download the drivers but I just get a zip file without any drivers .... just a few files and a setup.exe.
>   Does anyone know where I can download the actual drivers or a way to do this with the existing CD's. 
>   I thought of installing the CD's on Windows and then searching and copying the drivers over to Linux. (too late to do it now, though)
>   The reason why I'm asking on this list is because I've seen other
>   people having problems with his adapter but they seem to have the
>   drivers.
>   Any help, greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure what you're actually asking here -- Windows drivers? But this
is a Linux newsgroup. Besides, the rtl8187 driver suite for this device is
provided in the restricted-modules package for the installed kernel --
Linux users do not need the Windows drivers in combination with
ndiswrapper. But, if you *do* need the Windows drivers, mail me directly,
and I'll have a look on the driver CD that came with this device.

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