Root user permission

Art Edwards edwardsa at
Mon Oct 30 05:38:04 UTC 2006

smithveg wrote:
> I have not much experiences in this topic, but i do interest in it.
> Can someone offers a link of HOWTO about this topic 'root permission'

Mario Vukelic is right. However, you can easily set up a root password
using sudo.

You can use sudo if you are part of the sudo group (see the files
/etc/group and /etc/group-) If you installed ubuntu then you are already
part of the sudo group. To accomplish any administrative task such as
apt-get update, you have to issue

sudo apt-get update

and then give your password. While this has security advantages, it is
cumbersome for extensive administration. I simply issued

sudo passwd

and gave a root password. Now, I can use su, followed by the root
password to gain superuser priviledges.

Art Edwards

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