firewall howto - iptables

Noah admin2 at
Sat Oct 28 21:23:11 UTC 2006


there are a few web sites that i have found so far that go in fairly 
good detail.  the book is not necessary at this point. just wondering if 
there is anything else out there that I've missed.



John K Masters wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 13:56:25 -0700
> Noah <admin2 at> wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> My ubuntu server is acting as my NAT box between my upstream provider 
>> and my internal network.
>> I am looking for a nice example of iptables rules that I can put in 
>> place to add a decent amount of filtering for my server and my
>> internal network.
>> Might somebody have a good example script they can send me or a HOWTO 
>> web link?
>> thanks in advance,
>> Noah
> Couple of scripts that may help from O'Reilly's Linux Server Security.
> You really need to read the book to fully understand the concepts.
> John
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