Windows on Ubuntu

Andy stude.list at
Sat Oct 28 12:50:29 UTC 2006

On 28/10/06, José Paulo Matafome Oleiro <matafomeoleiro at> wrote:
>  Xen only works with Linux, VMware it's cool but not free, Win4Lin I don't know,
>  but I can add to this list of software Qemu that's open source
And wikipedia can add several more to the list:

Xen says that version 3.0.3 has 'enhanced windows support' so I would
have thought that meant you can run windows on it.
They may not commercially support you doing that but if your not using
the commercial support version then that doesn't really matter does

Edgy has Xen in the repositories I think.
Not upgrade to edgy yet so haven't tried it out.

- Andy

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