Why would someone start and maintain Linux distribution.

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Sat Oct 28 07:01:45 UTC 2006

I think if you ask the people and developers who contribute to Ubuntu
will not say they do it because they hate Microsoft, but because it's
fun and exciting! That's why they give away their free time, not for
the money, but for the fun of contributing/sharing and being a part of

I personally feel that each day in Linux exciting! Because you'll meet
alot of new people, sharing their interests, you'll feel that your a
part of a community, and if your capable of solving problems, you can
jump in to provide the solutions.

When I was a kid back in 1995 (and I think I still am..) I love
Windows 3.1/3.11 because there's alot of things to tweak and explore
around, it's entertaining... Then Windows 95 came, and it sucks
because it's very simple compared to Win3.1, removing the
explorability of the system.. And in 1996 when I was 13 years old, I
discover Linux.. And I'm really got into it, (not to mention crashed
HD trying to learn partitioning and fdisk), And during those time, I
tried MonkeyLinux then switched to Slackware where I discover X11, and
my euphoria and bliss is amazing, when you try to make everything

I think it's because of the Fun and Excitement of doing it.


On 10/28/06, YAGNESH N DESAI <ynd at hzw.ltindia.com> wrote:
> Friends;
> Another stinker in the pond.
> I wanted to know what is the business model
> behind ubuntu where $10M are "donated".
> I can understand that the developments can be used
> by the profit making organization as in
> Fedora by RedHat
> OpenSuSE by Novell
> OpenSOLARIS by Sun Microsystem.
> If all efforts in Fedora Core/OpenSuSE/ubuntu/SimplyMepis/ . . ..
> were concentrated towards "TheLinuxDesktop" THE only project
> with concentrated efforts. What could be the result ?
> If done aggressively I am sure ubuntu can take desktop
> users by storm. (I have myself given the ubuntu CD to
> few of interested people to give try to Linux.)
> See you after weekend.
> Regards
> Yagnesh

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