How can one say Linux is $-free . . . ?

Chanchao custom at
Fri Oct 27 04:12:12 UTC 2006


> I just shifted to Linux and have tried on laptop read a lot about the
> meaning of Free. But just was wondering is it really $-free . . . ?

Of course not.  The sun comes up for free, everything else takes a 
combination of money, effort and tears. :)

(And as last-week's sessions against a very pesky piece of Windows 
malware demonstrated, higher values of $ do not automatically lead to 
lower values for the other two.)

> Also after all this efforts I am not able to compile
> many of the softwares in ubuntu I tried to compile Mplayer from its 
> official site. . .

In Ubuntu you ONLY compile things if you're a serious power user who 
likes to tinker around.  For mere mortals like me, all software is 2 
clicks away in one of the package managers.

> Many of the downloads compilations are in .rpm package which means do I need
> an RedHat based Linux too on my laptop?

Touch rpms only with a bargepole.  Rpms are SO last millenium.

> I know I am putting a cat among the pigeons.

You're putting a cat among African Hawk-Eagles.  Not a pretty scene. :)


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