[Edgy] Disk manager missing

Paul Williams paul at smoothweb.net
Tue Oct 24 19:58:10 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-10-24 at 09:42 +0300, Ari Torhamo wrote:
> Hello,
> I don't seem to have the disk manager program (Administration -> Disks)
> present in my Edgy installation (RC, with latest updates), or at least I
> can't find a menu item for it. Before reporting a bug, I'd like to know
> if anyone else has the same problem, and perhaps get some advice on what
> additional information I could put into my report (system files?).
> Thanks,
> Ari
I believe they replaced it with a program called "Disk Usage Analyzer",
located at '/usr/bin/baobab'
I think that this is pretty lame. 
Paul Williams (paul at smoothweb.net) | Jabber: pwill at jabber.org
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