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Ouattara Oumar Aziz wattazoum at
Tue Oct 24 08:39:04 UTC 2006

Steve Tripp :
> Seems like those on both sides believe they have the right not to be 
> offended, which could not be further from the truth.  While the original 
> sentiment of cleaning up the language on these message lists is 
> admirable, it is not realistic to believe that you will never see 
> cursing on them.  On the other side, trying to imply that cursing is 
> some sort of right on the message lists is just asking to be filtered or 
> removed from the list.  Bringing in God, Allah, Buddha, or the 10 
> commandments as an argument for or against curse words on these lists is 
> also unreasonable because religion does not have a corner on the 
> morality market.  We athiests don't like seeing profanity on these lists 
> any more than anyone else.
> Being offended just means you are operating in a free society.  People 
> are offensive by nature.  If we outlawed offensiveness everyone would be 
> a criminal, so we must strike a balance and realize that in some cases 
> it's ok to be offended and say something about it, but don't always 
> expect others to change their ways to suit you.
Well, seems like every one is giving an opinion about that. I would like 
to give mine.

Whatever your belief and education might be, you'll always have things 
you don't care to do and that is forbidden in other people belief. An 
exemple is that, in France, burping when having a meal is very impolite, 
but in other country, its a sign that you've eaten well.

Considering that fact, we'll always have people offending other people. 
But the right to do is for the offended to express himself, and say that 
he was offensed then the offenser to just apologize and keep in mind 
that he may find and other way to act as he did.

That's the simplest thing in the world but people won't do that. Tell me 
why. There is a lot of international conflict that would have been avoid 
if One side had just apologized.

So the problem of the word I used here should have been solved the 
moment I apolozed (and Nikolai accepted it privately).


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