Dist Upgrade to Edgy now?

Adriano Varoli Piazza moranar at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 07:52:48 UTC 2006

2006/10/24, Chanchao <custom at freenet.de>:
> I realise that Edgy is soon upon us..  Is this a good time for
> dist-upgrading?   I don't use Ubuntu for anything overly serious, just
> hobby basically.  At work I mostly use Windows.
> So as long as things like music, video, gtk-gnutella and main internet
> applications keep working then I'm kind of okay to upgrade and put in my
> 2 cents of bug reporting should I come across any.
> Is the artwork back to something interesting again?
> Cheers,
> Chanchao

My 2 €c: I upgraded from dapper to Edgy, and the boot time was around
2 minutes. I reinstalled, and now boot time is back to 45 seconds or
so in my setup (from grub to gdm, that is). I've been on since Beta 2,
then RC, then now, dist-upgrading all the while (right now
update-manager doesn't seem to work, but console does). Oh, and you
might want to check this up:

Adriano Varoli Piazza
The Inside Out: http://moranar.com.ar
ICQ: 4410132
MSN: moranar at gmail.com

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