apt-proxy on Ubuntu 6.06

Karl Goetz kamping_kaiser at internode.on.net
Tue Oct 24 05:57:04 UTC 2006

Bjørn Ingmar Berg wrote:
> Hi
> apt-ptoxy has been recommended several times when posters have wanted
> to set up a local partial mirror.  After reading about it it sounds
> like a promising solution.  It gets difficult after installing it via
> Synaptic, as apt-proxy doesn't do anything "out of the box".
> I have googled for howtos but not had much success finding anything useful.
> Hopefully someone here on the list can help a little.
have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy ?
> * How do I get apt-proxy to start running as a daemon at the same time
> as the machine I've installed it on boots?  (As far as I can
> understand apt-proxy's home-page this should be possible.)

This is done automatically
> * Editing /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf
> I set "Server IP to listen on" to the machines own IP.  When trying to
> run apt-proxy I get the message
> "twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError: Couldn't listen on
> any:9999: (98, 'Address already in use')."  What have I misunderstood?

when you installed the package its probably been started automatically. 
use `sudo /etc/init.d/apt-proxy restart` to restart/start the service.
> * Editing /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf
> There are many entries in the file pointing to various debian
> backends.  As there are only Ubuntu machines on this LAN I assume they
> can all be removed.  Correct?


> Also I assume I should add backend entries for things like Seveas'
> mirror.  I guess that would make a line like "backends =
> http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/dapper-seveas"  Any chance this will
> work, or should I do it differently?

if you want to use these mirrors then yes, add them in.
the format is roughly (i'm going from memory)

[name-to-put-in-sources.list] is the distribution (so instead of dapper say)
> * Changing sources.list on the clients
> As far as I can understand all machines that want to use the proxy
> must change their sources list.  Is this simply repacing the URL to
> point to the machine running apt-proxy, leaving the rest as it is?
> (For every entry in sources.list of course.)

the clients look like

deb http://your.proxy.lan:9999/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse

deb http://your.proxy.lan:9999/ name-to-put-in-sources.list main 
restricted universe multiverse

good luck, :)

> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Bjørn Ingmar Berg

Karl Goetz
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