
stude.list at googlemail.com stude.list at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 22 18:47:26 UTC 2006

On 22/10/06, smithveg <smithveg at gmail.com> wrote:
> So, can the dreamweaver downlaods and free use from the Internet?
Not entirely sure what your asking here.
I don't think Dreamweaver will run on Ubutu, but I may be wrong. I
doubt its free though, adobe charge hundreds of pounds for their

If you are asking about Nvu, Quanta and Scream then they are all free.
You can download them from the Internet but its normally better to
install them through Ubuntu's package management system.
This system allows you to select a program from a list and it fetches
that program and all the programs it needs from the Ubuntu Repository
(a store of loads of Free Open Source programs).

There are a couple of ways of installing programs in Ubuntu
1) Open the applications menu,  Click 'Add/Remove'
2) Select the 'Programming' item,
3) for Scream and Quanta plus check the box next to their name.
4) for Nvu you may need to check the 'unsupported programs' box and
add the Universe repository

method 2:
1) Click System -> Administration -> Synaptic package manager
2) click search and type the name of the application you want and click 'search'
3) From the list of applications select the box next to the one you
want and click 'install'
(for Nvu you need to enable Universe repository)
4) You may be given a list of other programs that need to be installed
to run the application you wanted, say yes to this
5) Click Apply

Wait for it to download and install your programs

You can download most of these programs from web pages but this is not
recommended if your new to this as they may not be configured for
Ubuntu or may require other programs to be installed which Package
Management handles for you (its a wonderful system)

A quick warning about Quanta, the defaul install of Ubuntu uses a
'Desktop Environment' called Gnome. Quanta was written for KDE (a
different desktop environment). Although it is perfectly possible to
run a KDE application in Gnome it may need to download a lot of the
KDE system libraries so if your running low on disk space you may want
to be careful.
However it is easy to do if you have the space, I have Quanta Plus on
my Gnome system and Synaptic handled getting all the KDE libraries,
its that clever :D

If of course you want a KDE based system and haven't installed yet
just use Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu.

Hope that helps

- Andy

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