Seeking advice on setup web server

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Fri Oct 20 16:04:38 UTC 2006

On Fri, 20 Oct 2006 12:37:28 -0300
"Santiago Erquicia" <santiago.erquicia at> wrote:

> you can use dynamic ip service if it is just a test. There
> is a package in ubuntu that lets you update your account
> when your ip changes but I don't remember it right now.

There are several actually - if you are behind a router probably the
easiest is ddclient, because it can be configured to get the IP from the
web ( ez-ipupdate just gets the local address as far as I know, unless I
missed something - which is fine if you are using direct PPP from the box,
but useless from behind a router - whereas ddclient can be set to query a
server on the Net to get your router's WAN IP, which is the relevant one
of course )

In /etc/ddclient.conf you can specify "web" to get the IP address this
way, I think. Otherwise the IP address it reports to dyndns will be your
unroutable LAN address ( 10.1.1.x or 192.168.1.x etc)


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