Seeking advice on setup web server

Stephen Liu satimis at
Fri Oct 20 15:37:29 UTC 2006

Hi Tommy,

Tks for your advice.

- snip -

> I think these are all fine documents. The first "Perfect Setup"
> document (#1, and presumably also #3) assume you are setting up as an
> Internet Service Provider, BUT unless you are certain you need them

Noted with tks.

> I
> would refrain from installing the mail server, DNS server, ftp
> server,
> IMAP server and even Webmin. Any server you install is a potential
> security risk, so don't even install it unless you need it.

Ok, tks.  I'll check and remove them later.  Another thought can I just
leave them there without config and startup.  This is only a test.

> The server guide (which at the link you provided is in HTML not pdf)
> seems very nice, and gives a few more specifics on each package, so
> if
> you are looking for an endorsement, I recommend studying that one
> first.

noted with tks.

> I suggest that you leave X on the machine for now. It won't really
> interfere with much, assuming you have plenty of processor speed and
> RAM available. (And if you don't, removing it won't free up very much
> in the scheme of things.) When you installed Ubuntu, you could have
> left off installing X, but since you apparently didn't, don't worry
> about it.

There are plenty horse power and space here.  Because as a security
rule I refrain from installing X on server.  Sometime it is easier to
config a package on X-window.

I read documents previously some folks running X on workstation to
configure a server.  This arrangement will avoid running X on server. 
Unfortunately I got lost those documents somewhere.  I think they ran
ssh server/client to do the job.

> Oh, if you expect people from the "outside" to connect to your
> server,
> you will need to check with your ISP to see if they allow you to set
> up a web server on your line.You'll have to deal with your dynamic IP
> address somehow, either by paying for a static address or by
> registering with a dynamic DNS service.

This is my real headache.  I setup this server for test only.  For the
time being I won't change my plan to static IP.  Besides I read papers
sometimes ago running dynamic IP on server.  I'll try to discover those
document from my database to learn those setup.

Tks and B.R.

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