Dapper updates crash desktop - please enlighten

John Dangler jdangler at atlantic.net
Tue Oct 17 17:11:39 UTC 2006

Dapper 6.06 LTS
I've been having an annoying "updates skipped" problem for about 2
weeks, where totem, totem-gstreamer, and the linux kernel and
linux-restricted-modules updates were being skipped.

Someone from the list suggested apt-get remove --purge totem
totem-gstreamer as a way to remove the first two.  Since I'm using Xine,
I thought that that made sense.

sudo apt-get remove --purge totem totem-gstreamer worked fine, and in
fact, the next synaptic update informed me that the new linux headers
and linux-restricted-modules were available ( for download.
However, the desktop seemed to hang while the "downloading change
descriptions" was running.  It stayed locked up for over 20 minutes,
and, as much as I am entirely against the process, I hard-booted the
workstation.  Other than the fact that I had to kill gdm, and manually
remove and install my nvidia kernel module again (not sure why it didn't
get installed on a reboot), gnome seemed to come up ok. The automatic
update notification was lit, so I selected it to see what it would now
show as available.  My screen went black.  I couldn't get another
terminal this time, either, so again, I had to hard boot the
workstation, and again, X failed to start.  re-installing the nvidia
module, killing gdm and running gdm again brought gnome back.  Again I
selected the automatic updates.  This time, I ran apt-get update from a
terminal, then apt-get upgrade and was told that the linux image and
restricted modules would be held back.  I then ran apt-get install
linux-image-386 and was told that 2.6.15-27 would be installed.  I
installed the new kernel version, and, after compiling a new nvidia
kernel module and installing it, I was able to get gnome back again.
I still had to manually install the restricted modules after this as a
separate process, but gnome seems to be back up and running ok now.

automatic update is borked (at least on this machine in combination with
having removed totem and totem-gstreamer).  I have ubuntu Dapper running
on my laptop as well, and have not seen this crashing (although I have
the same "skipped" messages on the laptop and haven't yet removed them).

I can't see the connection between removing totem and locking up the
desktop to a state where a hard boot is necessary.

Oddly enough, when I looked into the nvidia driver situation, there are
two versions.  dmesg and the Xinit log report a mismatch between the
version wanted and the version loaded, which causes me to remove the
older one and reload the newer one on every reboot.

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