Ben Edwards
funkytwig at
Tue Oct 17 14:28:33 UTC 2006
On 17/10/06, jonathan <jonathan at> wrote:
> Microsofts "policy" is in direct violation of the Law...
> Reader post by: Gayle Edwards
> Posted on: October 16, 2006, 6:26 PM PDT
> Story: Microsoft limits Vista transfers
> The "U.S. Supreme Court" has already ruled that customers DO "own" the
> software that they buy.
> Despite Microsofts (and its perennial "defenders", or should I say
> "shills") claims, Microsofts, "EULAs" (End User License Agreements)
> CANNOT "...trump the law". MOST "legal experts" (and quite a few
> Attorney-Generals) seem to agree, quite conclusively, on this point.
> Simply put, ...denying a consumer the use of THEIR-OWN PROPERTY, after
> they have purchased it, ...OR trying to control its application, is a
> No, IFs... ANDs... or, BUTs...
Probably going to start some sort of out of controll thread here but
is not the point that you are buying a licence to use something, not
property as such. My probably ill informed inprofesional view of
licencing is that you are not selling someone "THEIR-OWN PROPERTY" but
a licence to use something. Just trying to get this 100% stright so I
can win my pro-ubuntu argument.
> Frankly, MOST of the claims in "Microsofts" "EULAs", regarding
> "Microsofts products" are, complete, LEGAL-HOGWASH. And their
> EVER-EXPANSIVE, claims of continued "ownership" and control, of the
> "products" they sell, are COMPLETE LEGAL-GIBBERISH (it has only been
> leant an air of familiarity, Microsofts endlessly-repeating these
> LIES for decades).
> Our company has already adopted an official determination to tell our
> customers to avoid "Vista", at almost any cost, (due to the high cost of
> "upgrading", PERPETUAL "product authentication", "mandatory driver
> signing", extreme "DRM" restrictions, and ridiculously-complicated
> "Licensing", etc, etc, etc...).
> In fact, as a company, we are currently engaged in acquiring more
> extensive "Linux" expertise, as quickly as possible, ...because,
> frankly, we are expecting "Vista" to be the last-straw that finally
> topples Microsofts... HOUSE OF CARDS.
> Some are looking forward to the impending-spectacle of LAWSUITS,
> LITIGATION, COUNTER-SUITS, (and more than likely... some hastily-crafted
> legislation obviously-designed, primarily, to protect Americas largest
> software company). But, the seemingly-unavoidable collapse of such a
> POWERFUL (and obscenely-corrupt), multi-billion dollar company
> going to be a nightmare to work-through.
> Too bad its looking more, and more, inevitable, every day...
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at
Ben Edwards - Brussels & Bristol, UK, England
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