Problem whit mrtg

Lennie list at
Mon Oct 16 20:39:36 UTC 2006


I have some problem whit the Mrtg mailscanner-mrtg
when I am rebooting the system and starting the mrtg I get this error in the log.

root at mg01:~# env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mailscanner-mrtg.cfg

Monday, 16 October 2006 at 21:20: ERROR: Creating templock /var/lock/mrtg/_etc_mailscanner-mrtg.cfg_l_3659: No such file or directory at /usr/bin/mrtg line 1757.

If a make the folder /var/lock/mrtg manuel and the start mrtg it will work.
but if I reboot the system i get the same problem agen.  And the folder /var/lock/mrtg/ is deletet. 
and hafto remake the folder and then mrtg will work agen.

How can I fix that. I have not seen this error on fedora release. 
this is the first time I am running ubuntu, and so fare I like it. Have some small problems like this. But I think all the problem can ge solved.

Anyway know how to solve this error whit mrtg.

// Lennie
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