Results of Ubuntu Linux desktop tests by non-profits

Fouad Riaz Bajwa bajwa at
Mon Oct 16 19:32:43 UTC 2006

From: Chris Bailey <chrisbailey at>
Results of Ubuntu Linux desktop tests by non-profits

As part of the East of England Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in the
Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) project, funded by the UK government's
ChangeUp programme, 10 desktop computers using Ubuntu Linux were distributed
to non profit organisations in the East of England Region for testing and
evaluation. The resulting feedback by the organisations involved has now
been published online and is available on the project's website at

The East of England FOSS project was last week awarded the first "Open
Technology Gold Award for the VCS" by the national FOSS in the VCS project.
The award was presented by Nicola Thompson, Head of the National ICT Hub for
the VCS at the ICT Hub East of England Regional Conference.

Chris Bailey
East of England FOSS in the VCS project

Forwarded for information purposes by
Fouad Riaz Bajwa
FOSS Advocate
Ubuntu Linux Pakistan Team

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