skype: how can I get my voice louder?

Constantine Evans constantine at
Mon Oct 16 18:48:27 UTC 2006

Adjusting the microphone level will change the playback level for the 
microphone. The capture level, or the microphone level under the capture 
tab, is what needs to be adjusted.

Eamonn Sullivan wrote:
> On 10/14/06, Marcelle Soares-Santos <marcellesantos at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new at ubuntu and skype so probably my question is pretty simple,
>> but I couldn't find a proper answer yet and that's why I'm posting it
>> here:
>> I first intaled version of Skype on my ubuntu 6.06.
>> I've tried the test call and I almost cannot hear my own voice! I've
>> set the volumes to maximum values and again, I can hear a loud voice
>> from other people, but no one can hear my own voice properly.
>> How can I solve this?
> In Gnome, on the top panel, on the right, there's what looks like a
> picture of a speaker. *Right* click on this and choose "Open Volume
> Control." If you are using a USB headset or some other device for
> skype, you'll probably have to choose to switch to that device under
> the File/Change Device menu. Once you've done that, you should be able
> to adjust the Microphone level. Make a few calls to the Skype testing
> service (username: echo123) to see if the level is correct.
> -Eamonn

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