Installing MS Word with Wine

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Mon Oct 16 15:13:19 UTC 2006

Robert E. Butts wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-10-14 at 12:39 -0500, mtyoung wrote:
>> What programs DO get used a lot under Wine?
> I used WinZip which works great under WINE, and Forté Agent, which works
> fine.  With Ubuntu I've installed Wine on both machines, but have not
> used it, and have not missed it.

I use Internet Explorer, just for the very few occasions where I need it,
then I use firefox (for windows) to compare with Linux, if needed and I
always use the microsoft viewers 97, for the occasions where I need to have
the "official Microsoft layout" before sending something to the outside
(microsoftcentric-) world, which is rare, but it happens.


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