Nautilus start-up issue w/ no Internet connection

blittle2 at blittle2 at
Mon Oct 16 13:50:40 UTC 2006

Thank you, Peter!!!
I'm working away now.

>If you have ntp ( time protocol) set to automatically check at intervals,
you can turn that off in preferences. Right click the date in the panel
(top right) and select Adjust Date and Time, then un-check "Periodically
synchronise clock with internet servers"

Of course, catch 22, if you can't get in to GNOME at all this isn't an
option... Have you tried logging in using "fail safe GNOME" ?

As far as i know, 6.06 no longer tries to synchronise on boot the way 5.10
and earlier used to ( very annoying when you weren't connected).

You can also use the "date" command to set the time, using the -s option .
(needs sudo of course ).


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