Partitioning Question

Ron Smits ron at
Mon Oct 16 06:07:57 UTC 2006

Nothing wrong with using LVM, allthough it will slow your diskoperations
down a bit. also if the OP indeed goes to another install he would have
to duplicate the lvm setup if he wants to acess files on the old


On Sun, 2006-10-15 at 22:00 -0400, Felipe Alfaro Solana wrote:
> On 10/15/06, wade at <wade at> wrote:
> > 10152006 1941 GMT-6
> >
> > Im partitioning a 200GB hard drive. I have usually used ubuntus automated partitions but Im wanting to do a bit more. I have read on the forums about some sizes but I wanted to run this by those who would know:
> >
> > root 8GB     Ubuntu 6.06LTS
> > swap 1GB
> > home 40GB    my files
> > mail 10GB    my email
> > second 40GB  future Edgy install -> will have its /home in this partition
> >
> > Ok. /root has to be primary, and the /second has to be a primary, so can the others be a Extended Partition?
> > Or should I do this differently? or What?
> May I ask why don't use logical volumes (LVM) instead of partitions?

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