Last system update failed on cpio and readahead pkgs

Robert E. Butts himco2 at
Sat Oct 14 17:21:06 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-10-13 at 09:53 -0500, Ed Howland wrote:

> Hi,
> I just performed a update and two unexpetec things happened. First,
> the packages cpio and readahead where marked as NOT AUTHENTICATED.
> Then they failed to d/l from the server.
> Does anyone know what is going on with these packages?
> Also, what does it mean NOT AUTHENTICATED? How is this checked per
> package? Are they  signed with digital credentials validated by the
> Ubuntu servers?

I had the same problem, though I did not get the NOT AUTHENTICATED
message.  What I did was launch Synaptic, click Status, Select Installed
(Upgradeable), Select the packages and installed them.  That finally got
rid of the annoying icon in my system tray.  

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