A good scanner for Ubuntu?

Lorin Pino ljpino at grm.net
Sat Oct 14 13:22:46 UTC 2006

Lee McLain wrote:
> *SIGH*  Lemme try this again, but this time, I will make sure that I 
> change the subject line to something more appropriate.  Here's my 
> question again:
> Hi everyone,
>   I know that this isn't really a Ubuntu specific question, but it's 
> one I
> would like to ask the Ubuntu community because of the quality of answers
> that I see every day.
>   I am in need of a simple scanner.  I does not have to be a high res 
> photo
> scanner or have an auto feed feature.
>   If I can find one in the sub-$100 category, that would be great.  I 
> could
> go higher, but it has to be less than $200.  And, of course, I need it 
> to be
> fully(or as close as possible) Linux compatible.
>   I have been looking around on the respecitve sites,(SANE, etc.) and it
> seems that most of the fully compatible scanners are older models that are
> no longer in production.  I would like the scanner to be current and not
> second hand.
> I look forward to what you all have to say!
> Thanks,
> Lee
Have you checked here?
The scanners usually have reviews with any issues that had to be solved.
Did you check the wiki?
Good luck

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